By visiting this site, you read at your own risk. I am known for errors in grammar and spelling. If you become less intelligent by reading this site, become incredibly bored, or are disgusted by what you read - you were warned. Furthermore, I will not be held responsible for ANY mental, emotional, physical, financial, or spiritual damage to you, your friends, your family or strangers. I apologize to my friends and family if I embarrass you. I reserve the right to edit any and all comments on this blog. I also reserve the right to humiliate you if you dare say anything negative about me, my friends, my family, or strangers who I like.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Introducing... Katelyn
This is my adorable "neice," Katelyn (she's the daughter of one of my dearest college friends). Isn't she lovely?
Posted by Jessie_b ::
8:18 AM ::