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Monday, October 18, 20103-Month MarkerYesterday, our daughter turned 3-months old. These last few months have been one hell of a roller coaster ride. There were definitely days that were UP and plenty that were DOWN. Being a parent in the first few weeks is nothing short of manic - each moment is unpredictable; it felt like we were living on the edge. The little person who entered our lives is incredible... demanding, sweet, beautiful, monstrous... I wish I could say that I'm loving every minute of being a mom. The truth is, there are days when I just feel *bleh*. Taking a shower is a luxury and I can't remember a day when I didn't have milk spit-up or poop somewhere on my clothes. Or rather, robe. Finding the energy to put on decent clothes is usually reserved for special days when we go out. I would rather just wear a robe and know that I can throw it in the wash when too much "stuff" gets on it. Don't get me wrong - we go out. Actually, I'm glad that we go out as often as we do. It's important for us to keep a life outside of the house, even if it is scary as all hell. When our bug has painful gas or is just upset, there is no calming her down. Anyone within a mile of us can hear her scream. She's got a good set of lungs and makes it well-known when she's not happy. We have all made strides these past few months. The peanut has doubled her weight and continues to grow. She seems healthy and happy - you should see her smile! I have become less anxious about this new experience and have learned patience in a whole new way. Blair, too, has become a great dad and has supported us in countless ways (working, shopping, fixing the house, taking the baby for mom's relief, getting us out and about, cooking dinners, cleaning, offering words of encouragement, and MORE). I've been reading a number of parenting books and have decided that we're doing okay. As long as we all continue to grow in healthy ways, I'm not going to compare Morgan to what is "normal" or expect her to be at any particular place in her development each day. Babies grow at different rates and she's doing just fine. I'm proud to be her mom and I cherish the time that we have together. There are times when I hold her and my heart swells. She's the most perfect person in the world and I'm in awe that Blair and I created her. She's pure love. It's in those moments when I hug her a little closer, breathe her in a little deeper, give her kisses, and thank God for such a gift. Her smile is intoxicating and now she's beginning to "talk" to us. Every small milestone is a big deal around here and we celebrate all of it! Having a new member in the family has been an adjustment for Bailey, too. She has been AMAZING with the baby and loves to lick her feet and toes. She is gentle around her, although still clumsy as ever. The other day, though, I could have killed her when she got into a bag of dirty diapers... We have our next pediatrician appointment in a month. Before then, I would like to put Morgan on a schedule. She's ready to start having a routine to her life and I think it would be good for me, too. I'm terrified of starting this phase. Up until this point, we have done things by the seat of our pants. Regular naps and feedings should be a predictable part of our day (and it mostly is) but consistency is the key. Wish me luck... If I don't get a chance to say it later, we are wishing everyone a Happy Halloween and hope there are sweet treats in store for you and your loved ones! ![]() ![]()