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Friday, June 10, 2011Passing TimeI've been doing my best to arrange lunches and play dates with other friends who are either on maternity leave or are otherwise funemployed. So far, so good; I can't count the number of friends I've been able to catch up with! It's been great for my sanity and good for Morgan to be getting out of the house, too. On the one or two days that we are at home, I get a chance to catch up on laundry, dishes, and nap time (if the little one will allow it). We have settled into a nice routine and it's amazing how far we have come. ...I thought I would never say that... It's soooo much better, now that Morgan is getting older. She's a regular crack-up; she has the best sense of humor! And, her knowledge and understanding of certain words and activities boggles my mind. She can understand about 20 words (to name a few: Dada, Mommy, Bailey, butterflies, up, stretch, clap, lamp, tree, jump) and can climb stairs in under a minute. The days of counting hours and minutes 'til Blair got home are gone; replaced with wonder of how the day went by so fast. I love watching my bug learn about the world around her! Amazingly, I sometimes wish things would just slow down... I don't want to miss a minute! ![]() ![]()