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Wednesday, June 29, 2005Pardon All The Expletives(F-bomb Bleep)! (Bloop)!! (Bleeeeeeep)! (F-bomb Bleep)! WHAT THE HELL?!?! WHO THE HELL?!?! (F-bomb Bleep)!!!! WHY THE?!?! GEEEEEEZ! (F-bomb Bleep)!!! HOLY MOTHER OF... NOOOOO!!! Big fat F-bomb BLEEP. Yep, that about sums up how I'm feeling right now. Happy F-Bomb Wednesday, Everyone. Thursday at about 9:30 a.m. : For those that read this post in its original form - you may have noticed I changed a few things. I am soooo very appreciative of those who called, text messaged and e-mailed me about this. I had a REALLY BAD DAY at work and needed to "vent." Life is good; but I'm allowed to have bad days. We're back to a PG-13 rating now.