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Sunday, February 17, 2008LuckyI feel so lucky to have found a guy that really cares about me. We spent 3 hours this morning cleaning our condo for a short visit with my parents and grandfather. The only reason that he helped was probably because he knows how neurotic I get when the place is a mess and company is going to visit. I NEED A CLEAN HOUSE. It can go back to its normal shithole tomorrow, but TODAY, it must be clean. Yesterday, after fighting about how much I DID NOT want to go into the store, Blair let me sit in the car outside. When he returned, he had bought me big, fat, juicy, shiny, brilliant pearl earrings. Just because. Do you know how lucky I am to get pearl earrings after throwing a tantrum about shopping? S-U-P-E-R LUCKY. Most guys would have kicked me to the curb a long time ago, but I got lucky with a man who understands how much I hate to go shopping. Now, as I marinate in the clean house, I'm listening to Blair in the room and watching Bailey play. I'm so lucky to have them. Bailey has added so much to the relationship between me and Blair. We are so lucky to have her. Dogs have invisible powers of ADORABLE. Not only do I have one of the cutest, smartest, most loveable dogs in the world, but she's got magic powers that melt your heart. I knew she was a gem when I saw her in the pet store, but she's grown into OUR DOG who brings us so much joy and happiness, every day. I look forward to our cuddle time in the morning and I love the way she snuggles into to me for love. -She will be a year old in a few weeks and I have no idea where the time went! She's still such a puppy! I know I sound like the gushy pet-parent I never wanted to be. I only hope I will never put a sweater on her. So, here we are: the three of us at home on a Saturday night - totally lucky to be hanging out with each other. ![]() ![]()