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Monday, November 26, 2007MY BIG NEWSNever have I gotten the response as I did from that last post... WHOA... I had e-mail messages, text messages, and voice mail messages from people all wanting to know: WHAT'S THE BIG NEWS? Well, everyone, here it goes: I am happy to announce that soon, Blair and I will be welcoming a new bundle of joy into our lives. Yep, that's right! I'm going to be a proud new employee! I got a new job! And if you know the turmoil that this past year has been - you know how VERY EXCITING this is! Beyond the new enviornment, new title, new salary, new colleagues, I'll also have opportunities to develop my professional skillset. I will now get to use my Harvard degree toward something other than "busy work." This new position will offer management experience, strategic planning, marketing, data-driven reporting, new technologies, and more! I'm SO EXCITED! Thanks for everyone's support and well-wishes! ![]() ![]()