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Sunday, November 08, 2009Scary... Like More Than Just Halloween Scary!I am now without a job. My last day was Friday. The staff gave me a small party and friends came in to say their good-byes with cards, yummy food, beautiful flowers, and giant hugs. I have mixed emotions. One the one hand, I'm glad that I have left a toxic situation where I was being set-up for failure. One the other hand, I am truly going to miss my friends and the good work that we were doing. I never wanted to go out like this and part of me feels as though I have given up. There were many political things happening and it was causing too much anxiety. My hair and eyelashes were falling out and there were too many tears being shed before I left the house in the morning... It's a relief to not have to worry about that any longer. Now, though, there is the issue of not having a job. And this is a bad time for that! Taking into consideration that the economy sucks, that the holidays are approaching, that there are bills to pay, that we want to buy a house, that we want to start a family, and that it just takes money to live, we both need to work. I have all the confidence in the world that something will work out soon and I'm doing my best to look for jobs. But, it has to be the right fit! So now, I am learning new cooking recipes, cleaning the house, and planning to get Bailey and me into better shape by going for walks! I'm going to find projects here and there to keep my days busy and have dinner waiting every night when Blair gets home. (Have I mentioned yet, just how much I love my husband and love being married to him?) Keep fingers crossed that something works out! I'm sending positive vibes into the universe and any extra positive vibration is much appreciated! ![]() ![]()