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Monday, November 08, 2010Um, Hello God, It's Me...Our daughter, that lovely little monster, is nearly four months old. By now, I had thought the restless nights and fits of screaming would begin to subside. Oh, how wrong I was! Lucky us, she had colic and painful gas the first three months and now she's probably got GER(D) - otherwise known as acid reflux. I've tried to be a good parent. I've cuddled, hugged, kissed, held, and soothed her lovingly in every way that I can. But days like today and nights like last (actually, the past two weeks) make me wonder if I'm doing something wrong. From the get-go, I wanted to be sure that we didn't start any bad habits that would later need to be broken. This includes letting her sleep in our bed. Early on, I had her sleep in her own crib, swaddled her, and did my best to develop a routine. The nighttime routine came easy and was well-established: down by Last night sucked, too. I got less than two hours of sleep. For some reason, Morgan has developed a sincere love for her pacifier and seemingly cannot be without it. I have become a crib-side slave making sure that the pacifier stays in her mouth as she sleeps. On those rare occasions when it falls out and she remains asleep, it doesn't last long - maybe 20 minutes - before she wakes and begins to fuss and cry for it again. Well, this is not good. So much for trying not to have her develop any bad habits. Today I have decided that she is going to go without the pacifier ALL DAY. She is going to have to find another way to soothe herself to sleep. The first early-morning nap went okay - she slept for 45 minutes and no pacifier was used. But at I have asked God, countless times, to help me get through these days and nights. Perhaps this is payback for having a good (sick-free) pregnancy. Or maybe it's payback for trying a cigarette when I was ten years old. Whatever it is, I'm losing my mind, my strength, my emotional stability, my Spirit. I'm so tired that the energy required for taking a shower (let alone anything else) is just not there. I wish I had a happy baby who slept through the night. My other mom-peers all have seemingly perfect children who are full of smiles and sleep when they are supposed to. Mine is cute and all, but she's a pain in the ass. I remember when I had some control over my life - when I had money to spend however I wanted, when I could go out of town whenever I wanted, when I could eat anything I wanted at any time I wanted, when I could pee when I wanted/needed, when I could sleep at least six hours every night... I remember those days. Now Morgan isn't the only one crying... ![]() ![]()