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Most Normal Girl

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Holiday Cheer

In the spirit of the season, I would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays! This has truly been a remarkable year... one filled with many joys and sorrows. At the end of the day, if you've had a moment to reflect on all that is and all that is to be, I hope a smile comes to your face. Each day is about LIVING, moment in and moment out; it's the little things that can sometimes make all the difference.

Thank you for your support, your loyalty, your readership, your understanding, your honesty, and above all, your friendship. It means the world to me.

Love and best wishes,

PS - I'll be "home" for the next few days. Be back soon! (Safe travels to anyone leaving town.)
Posted by Jessie_b :: 8:23 AM ::