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Wednesday, December 22, 2004LaughterMy cheeks hurt from all the laughter of the morning. First things first: When I left my bathroom this morning, the clock on the wall read 5:42 - go figure. Then I get to work and find this fantastic link of kids who get freaked out about Santa: http://www.southflorida.com/events/sfl-scaredsanta,0,2245506.photogallery?index=1 Seeing kids go through some sort of abuse that is accepted by society cracks me up (I can be demented at times, I know). I then start chatting with a colleague of mine about the interview process here at work. The things people do, say, and are nervous about for job interviews are hilarious. If you don't have an experience like that, where you can look back and laugh, you're missing out. It's only 9:30am and the whole day is in front of me. My cheeks may not be able to stand all this good cheer.