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Wednesday, February 02, 2005HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!!!For those still in the dark, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today. This of course means there will be six more weeks of winter. In college, I decided (along with a good friend) that there were too many holidays being left unnoticed. He chose to celebrate Flag Day with the best of 'em while I chose to adopt Groundhog Day as my personal day of celebration. So, every February 2nd, I would greet as many people as I possibly could with "HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!" Most people would just look at me like I was crazy (but what else is new?) or they would be reminded of that awful Bill Murray movie. If anyone was interested, I would give them the details on Punxsutawney Phil and what the forecast would be for the next six weeks - spring coming early or winter staying with us. It's been a while since college, but Groundhog Day (YAY!) is still sort of a big deal to me. I don't know why ~ chalk it up to another weird trait of mine.