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Wednesday, January 26, 2005Something NewIt's amazing to me how lucky I can be at times. I have an incredible knack for meeting people and having an instant *snap of the fingers* connection with them. I have four good friends who that has happened with and now, a SOMEONE. I met this SOMEONE very recently and all of a sudden, my Life has turned upside down. He's THAT amazing and I am THAT happy. I remember telling a friend, a long time ago, what it was I wanted in a man. I told her that I was looking for a best-friend, a partner in every aspect of life, someone who would be a great supporter and a great challenger at once, someone who would see past the surface and who would know ME, someone to fall asleep with, and ultimately someone to grow old with. I don't know if that is something that just happens, but it certainly is something worth exploring.