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Sunday, January 09, 2005Low-Maintenance Kind Of LifeI consider myself a "no frills" kind of girl. I've often told others that I think I'm relatively low-maintence, which usually leads to a snort and some sort of twisted smile from the person I happen to be talking to. But, really, I don't think I'm that hard to manage... Here's just 10 reasons why: 1. I can be ready in five hours or five minutes - give me a time and place and I'll be there. 2. I like to just hang out. I don't need to be doing something every minute of every day. 3. I am rather independent ~ so, I don't need to be taken care of all the time (I'm a big girl, on most days). That's not to say a nice/thoughtful gesture is not appreciated... 4. I have low expectations of others; anything that is done for me comes as a surprise and I'll adore you for days. 5. I like sports and don't need to have the remote in hand to be happy. 6. I don't wear smelly lotions, nor do I care much for smelly products. 7. In my shower, you will find soap, shampoo, conditioner, and a razor. Does the rubber ducky count? 8. With the exception of seafood, I'll eat just about anything you put in front of me. 9. I don't like shopping. 10. I don't own a bazillion pairs of shoes and I try to rid the closet of un-worn clothing about twice a year (give it to Goodwill, of course). So, I'm not really a "girlie-girl" and I don't think I'm high-maintenance. Who knows - maybe it's all just relative to experience and expectations.