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Friday, December 31, 2004New Year's ResolutionsHAPPY NEW YEAR! WELCOME 2005! I'm not one for resolutions every 365 days (or 366, if you will). But, as I got to thinking, there are a few things that I would like to change: Eat more chocolate. Sleep less. Take up smoking. Wait at least three days before showering.Sneeze on someone at every opportunity. Try to gain at least twenty more pounds over the next few months. Um, yeah, that sounds about right... I usually don't make resolutions because people don't regard them. It's about setting goals and making conscious lifestyle changes. Whether it's losing weight, saving money, quitting smoking, or whatever, it's about choice and it's about better living. These things I want the most (to be a better friend, to be better at listening to others, to be involved with a man who really SEES me, read more, smile more) are all things that will take a lot of patience, understanding, commitment and passion. ...BUT IT IS WORTH IT...