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Tuesday, January 18, 2005AHHH! My Eyes! I'm Blinded!So, today because it was sunny and b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l in Southern California, I decided to wear a skirt to work. I chose the conservative, yet interesting, long skirt to accompany the oh-so-cool (and makes my breasts look great) sweater. However, I realized my fashion faux as I walked out to my car with a colleague who tells it like it is. As we're in the parking lot, she starts laughing and proceeds to tell me something lika dis: Her: Giggle, giggle. Me: What? Her: Well, I just realized that you weren't wearing nylons. Me: Yeah... So? Her: Your feet are so white, it looks like you're wearing nylons or socks. Giggle, giggle. Me: (Looking down to see the awful horror) Yeah, that is pretty funny. I guess you can still tell that it's winter. My feet haven't seen the sun in a while. Her: Yeah... I thought about that for the next ten minutes. Obsessing, of course, over how many other people may have thought that about my feet throughout the day. There's no question about it - I'll be wearing boots tomorrow to work, FOR SURE.