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Wednesday, June 29, 2005Pardon All The Expletives(F-bomb Bleep)! (Bloop)!! (Bleeeeeeep)! (F-bomb Bleep)! WHAT THE HELL?!?! WHO THE HELL?!?! (F-bomb Bleep)!!!! WHY THE?!?! GEEEEEEZ! (F-bomb Bleep)!!! HOLY MOTHER OF... NOOOOO!!! Big fat F-bomb BLEEP. Yep, that about sums up how I'm feeling right now. Happy F-Bomb Wednesday, Everyone. Thursday at about 9:30 a.m. : For those that read this post in its original form - you may have noticed I changed a few things. I am soooo very appreciative of those who called, text messaged and e-mailed me about this. I had a REALLY BAD DAY at work and needed to "vent." Life is good; but I'm allowed to have bad days. We're back to a PG-13 rating now. Saturday, June 25, 2005![]() Blair pitching at JetHawks Stadium for the All-Star Game. ![]() Blair and Chad, after the game ![]() Blair and Austin ![]() After the game... Tuesday, June 21, 2005Damn You, Cell Phone!For over a week, my cell phone has been on death's door. It has become possessed, I think, to a point where it decides to turn itself on and off at random times. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Well, I had to do something. I mean, a girl living in L.A. can't be without a cell phone? My GOD, what did we all do before phones became mobile? So, I went to a store only to find out that my service carrier and my particular service plan can only be compatible with certain types of phones and that I should go online to find it. Say it with me: AUGHHHH... I'm good at bitching and complaining when things are not convenient. After griping and telling everyone in my office of this tragedy, I went online to buy me a phone. And I messed it up. See, it turns out, when you register with E-Bay you also have to register with PayPal and that you should really only do that once unless you plan to buy two new phones... yeah. I got the mess sorted out after a day, but there was much more griping and yelling and cussing and pissy-ness that came with it. "Dammit, I just want MY fucking phone to work and I don't want to have to go through all of this. WAAAAA!!!" I got my phone in the mail yesterday. The same exact phone as I had before. Only... it's not my phone. The buttons don't feel the same. My pictures aren't saved on this new phone. There were new text messages that I had received and now I can't get to them. There are about 140 phone numbers of random people who live in the (936) area code that I have to go through and delete. MY phone numbers are not saved on this phone. DAMMIT, why can't I just we just go back to when life was good and MY FUCKING CELL PHONE WORKED?!?! So, if you're reading this and you're a friend of mine - I need your phone number. Please take pity on the situation. Damn technology - you can't live with it and you want to die without it. Monday, June 20, 2005![]() Melissa - the birthday girl! When friends have birthdays where alcohol is involved, you know it's going to be a good time. The quote of the day, "Margaritas this way," was proclaimed by none other than the Birthday Girl, herself - in an attempt to get the party-go-ers to actually go and sit at the table instead of lingering in the doorway gawking at the 8.5 month old baby. After we had walked the length of the restaurant (and ended up either in Encino or Mexico - nobody really came to a final conclusion on that) the drinks started coming. As well they should have! Hell, it was a celebration! Conveniently, they had placed us in a corner next to a ladies restroom (strategic planning on someone's part, I would say) - either because they knew we would be drinking a lot or they, too, saw the 8.5 month old baby. Maybe both? After introductions had been made, and losing two people at the bar before people had claimed chairs, we all settled in. It was a perfect group - LOUD. In my book, LOUD is good. And LOUD mixed with alcohol and funny stories makes it even better. Unless those LOUD drunks who crave all the attention get obnoxious - then it's not so fun. But this wasn't one of those times. This was fun. I had made a deal to myself that I would NOT drink at this particular social event because the night before I had celebrated my Dad (oh, Happy belated Father's Day to all the dads out there) with a little too much wine. I woke up the next morning still feeling drunk - which Blair made a point of to make fun of me with. And when you forget particular points of the evening and ask your significant other to remind you if you actually had sex or not, you know you were in bad shape. But at least I had a good time! Anyway, getting back to NOT drinking. That didn't go quite as I had planned. How can I celebrate someone's birthday where I'm ordering pitchers of margaritas for the table and NOT drink? How? Well, I CAN'T - that's how. So, I downed a couple and made a point of it to drink lots of water. The company was good, the conversation was good, the stories were good, the baby was adorable - and good, the food was good... It was an all-around great evening. It was a fantastic way to celebrate a birthday with family and friends. The laughs and the margaritas were abundant. Again, HAPPY 31ST BIRTHDAY, MELISSA! ![]() Birthday girl and hubby ![]() ![]() I am proud to announce that Blair made the All Star Team for his baseball league! I know it was really important to him and I just couldn't be happier! Congrats, baby! You deserve it! Sunday, June 19, 2005She's Becoming Such The Little Lady - And I'm SOOOO Proud!![]() I'm a big girl Friday, June 17, 2005![]() Go Dodgers! ![]() ![]() ![]() Robby and Melissa ![]() ![]() Thursday, June 16, 2005Weird DreamsI've been having really weird dreams lately. Not that I'm one for examining my sub-conscious, but what do you think it means when: Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, Darth Vader, the financial aid girl down the hall, my dad and my brother all show up in a dream where Casey Affleck is a "bad guy" and the rest of us are trying to figure out why he went into a convenience store and shot up merchandise? Now, he's still in the building so the rest of us had to be really careful, but still try and figure out the MYSTERY. It was like it's own riddle... and we all had to figure it out before Casey came back and did any more damage. It makes no sense to me... Sunday, June 12, 2005![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, June 10, 2005Sunday, Sunday, SundayI'm not looking forward to this Sunday. My brother is going to be heading off for more military training; which will lead to his Iraq deployment. I didn't think it would get here so soon... Seems like we just went through all of this! We're all going to have to say good-bye again and it's just not something that I feel prepared for. But I'll be sure to give him lots of hugs and tell him, as many times as it takes, to keep his head down and that I LOVE HIM. Thursday, June 09, 2005Poo, Next To My Shoe, I See YouYes, it's true There is poo That was next to my shoe In the ladies' room, blue It looked like brown goo Loudly, I said EWWW And I couldn't stop staring (I saw it yesterday. And it's still there today.) Tuesday, June 07, 2005![]() The art of "self-camera-phone-photography" ![]() ![]() Monday, June 06, 2005A Family AffairWell, like all good families do, the crew got together over the weekend to celebrate... and celebrate... and celebrate... Friday was my grandfather's birthday, so we all decided to meet in the (909) for a surprise dinner. He was surprised. Even though traffic was a bitch which caused me and Blair to show up fifteen minutes late, he was surprised. It was a good 77th birthday celebration. And it was the first celebration like this that I got to bring a date. Do you know how freakin' special that is? Do you? I'm the notorious single girl at events like these... and now I have a date! A date who even reached across the table to kiss and hold my hand during dinner! (He's a keeper, I tell you!) Saturday was a day spent doing laundry and other boring chores around the apartment. I cleaned up my balcony, though, so at least the neighbors should be happy about that. Not that my place is EVER an eyesore (God help me if my place isn't C-L-E-A-N; there was a reason my friends in college called me "Monica" from Friends.). Sunday was another family event. The crew headed out my way for brunch and we went to the Warehouse in Marina Del Rey. There, we sat out on the patio and took lots of lame pictures with digital cameras. Yeah, we were one of "those" families. My mom wanted to keep us all together, so she suggested we head to the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica for the afternoon. Off we went. And hours later, we found ourselves parked in a restaurant trying to recover from the day... It was fun - and I loved spending quality time with everyone. Now it's back to the work-week. Yippee. Blair has a crazy schedule with work this week, so I won't be able to see him until the end of the week - Thursday, if we are lucky. How disgusting is it that I already miss him? Friday, June 03, 2005![]() We came around the corner of our hotel and there was a bed in the middle of the hallway. Without missing an opportunity, Blair rushed up and pretended to "sleep" while our friends came around the corner. We just had to get a picture of it... ![]() ![]() Thursday, June 02, 2005![]() Jessica and Blair - Downtown Las Vegas ![]() ![]() Wednesday, June 01, 2005![]() Blair and Jessica at Rum Jungle ![]() ![]()