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Saturday, April 29, 2006Does Anyone Ever Read This Thing Anymore?I haven't abandoned ship altogether... yet. I've just been too busy to think about writing in the blog. You see, I have TWO WEEKS left of school. TWO WEEKS. People, did you hear me?! I said, TWO WEEKS. That's only eight school days (I don't have classes on Monday) to screw up my Harvard career! There's oh-so-much to do and only TWO WEEKS to do it in. TWO WEEKS. Currently, I'm procrasinating. I've got three HUGE research papers to write and am hoping that pigs will fly and hell will freeze over - just so they write themselves. I've even started offering people $100 to write them for me. So far, no takers. (Can't say I blame them.) But at least there's only TWO WEEKS left. Do you know what I'll be doing at noon (EST) on Friday, May 12th? Do you? I will be jumping up and down, clapping, crying, and laughing. I will then announce WE'RE DONE to whoever will listen and skip my happy ass down to the closest bar. ...I've been really good about NOT drinking these last few weeks (not out of choice, but because I'm low on funds), so getting me blitzed should be no problem at all... Ahh, I can't wait! TWO WEEKS, TWO WEEKS, TWO WEEKS. TWO... WEEKS. Tuesday, April 25, 2006Happy Birthday Baby![]() Blair~ Happy 30th Birthday! I hope this year is one of the best - and not only because I'm with you. Make every trip around the sun worthwhile and memorable. You deserve only the best. I love you! ~Me Wednesday, April 12, 200630 Days30 days and 15 papers/projects/presentations to do. Can you say, CRAZY? Tuesday, April 04, 2006There's So MuchThere is so much to update... but I can't right now. In a nutshell: All my papers that were due got finished. Somehow. I went home, to CA, for Spring Break. Had a FANTASTIC time... can't wait to get home for good. I hope to post pictures from the trip soon. This week is extraordinarily busy. Lots to do and no time to do it in. I got an "A" on one of my papers that was worth 50% of my final grade. Hooray! Ciao!