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Tuesday, October 31, 2006Halloween!There were lots of kids dressed up in and around our neighborhood this year (including my parents). As always, there are tons of CUTE kids. But, by far, these two were the cutest... even though they both look exhausted in these pictures... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, October 29, 2006How He Charms MeAfter taking afternoon naps, we decided to get "dinner" late at night. We both wore sweats to make the fast-food run and you had on your BIG fuzzy baseball slippers. I giggled and told you that our adventure reminded me of many, many nights in college. Only this time, my best-friend driving us there is YOU. ![]() ![]() Friday, October 13, 2006East Coast - Priceless18 days 10 hotels 5 flights 4 states 3 rental cars ...and a partridge in a pear tree... ![]() ![]() Sunday, October 08, 2006Counting Down The DaysI'm counting down the days until I'm home. Again. After 7 hotels and 4 flights within the last two weeks, I'm exhausted. My days begin early and they end late. I've developed a sore throat - which I know will quickly turn into a cold. I need to be home, for my mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Not to mention the fact that I miss Blair (!!!), my family and my friends soooo much. It's happening: I'm getting too old for this rock-star life. ![]() ![]() Friday, October 06, 2006Conference-ingI'm in Pittsburgh. My association is having their annual conference at the Convention Center, here in PA. I missed last year's event (you know, that little thing called SCHOOL was going on) but have been coming to these things for a few years. They are a blast. It's so fun to catch up with friends and to socialize - the way immature adults like to socialize. Someone remarked last night that he had never been to a place where, when the speaker was talking, he would pause for a breath and take a swig from the beer in his hand. AWESOME. What could be better? This is how I know I'm in the right profession with the right kind of people - MY PEOPLE. Tonight is the big hoorah - the California Suite. (SWEET!) I call it a big orgy party. I plan to stay out late, to find trouble around every corner, and once again find the reason for why I endure this awful travel - to be among friends. PS - For those of you who don't know my profession, nor have any clue as to what these conferences are all about, please consider the source. I like to tell stories. I'm not really hosting an orgy tonight (although THAT would make for some good reading!), but rather, a "SUITE" celebration with lots of alcohol and lots of over-worked people who like to let-loose. I can guarantee there will be some crazy make out sessions among colleagues tonight -and years ago I would have been an active participant- but let's not forget the point of this blog. It was designed to tell the tale of a "Most Normal Girl" in her quest to find A MAN. And folks, I've found a keeper. Do you really think I would jeopardize losing him at something like this? NO F'ING WAY. ![]() ![]() Wednesday, October 04, 2006Don't Step On The Cracks Or You'll Fall And Break Your Back!Remember that saying, "Don't step on the cracks, or you'll fall and break your back?" It was one of those elementary school-yard sayings that people would chant while playing on the broken cement. (That's how we played, before you rotten kids got soft. Not to mention the fact that we walked to school - in the snow, uphill, both ways!) I finally realized what that saying meant as I trudged through the streets of New York, recently. The thing about New York streets is that they are shit. It smells of urine (and the dog mess on the sidewalks will attest to that last statement). Moreover, the cracks in the sidewalks will eat you whole, if you're not looking. You have to understand that everyone is dressed to the nines and WALKS everywhere in "the city" - which is not so cool to a CA girl who loves her car. Parking is a bit of a hassle; if you're lucky enough to find a spot, you still have to walk 18 blocks to get to where you need to go. Dressing to the nines, as I mentioned, is a must. Business attire, of course. When you're a woman, this means wearing three inch heels to accompany the outfit. I was no exception. I looked great. But, as I discovered the hard way, you really have to watch where you step. Each crack will literally grab the heel of your shoe, if you're not watching. Seriously, it's as if giant crack monsters pop out to grab onto you, unexpectedly. You can't recover gracefully from that type of encounter! And oh... I tried to be graceful. As I walked, all I could hear in my head was that elementary school chant. I did not want to break my back (or my neck, or my leg, or my arm, or my butt, or any part of my body) so I was careful to avoid the cracks. I don't know how the girls of Sex & The City did it - maybe it's a New York thing. ![]() ![]()