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Wednesday, May 21, 2008I Know, I Know, I Know...Blair and I have been back from our FABULOUS trip for a few weeks and I still have not posted photos. I KNOW. I TOTALLY SUCK. But just listen to these fabulous excuses I've cooked up! 1. Two days after getting back, I was on a plane (again) to Denver. I had a conference thing to attend. 2. After I got back from Denver, I had a whole bunch of e-mails, messages, and "stuff" to attend to at work. 3. After I attended to that "stuff" at work, "more stuff" got piled on. 4. I'm still in the midst of dealing with the "more stuff" at work and am completely exhausted by the time I get home. 5. When I finally do make it home at the end of the day, it's Bailey time! -Translated, that means, EVEN MORE EXHAUSTION. I really haven't had any time to be on the Internet when it's not something directly related to work. Thus, friends, here we are. I've carved these two minutes out of my day to tell you - I'M SORRY; BE PATIENT, THE PHOTOS WILL COME. And I'm really bummed about this whole being busy thing because I've got so much rolling around in my head to share with you! Like, election coverage, and the man I saw peeing on the Hummer, and limericks, and movie lists between couples, and asking - how do parents decide how much to share with their kids? and all sorts of wonderful things... but, that will all have to wait for another day... ![]() ![]()