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Monday, June 09, 2008An Inspired SoulThis past weekend, I had a chance to watch a movie that didn't involve a great debate with the other person on the Blockbuster list... I saw, The Tiger and The Snow. One of the great parts about this movie is the writer, director and star, Roberto Benigni. He has a quality that transcends the screen and brings joy to your soul. He brings warmth and happiness to his audience, even amidst the most devastating of circumstances. He inspires me. He makes me want to look at life through a new lens. He gives perspective on those things that matter most. And he’s full of poetry – ah, wonderful poetry… Every now and again, it's nice to have the wonderful artistry of film inspire you. ![]() ![]() Tuesday, June 03, 2008Who Doesn't Miss A Little Pee On Their Shoes?The road to happiness is filled with a lot of tears. Last week I was in Las Vegas for a conference. I had such a great time - connecting with friends and former colleagues who like to talk "shop" over a margarita. It was great to have that big group-hug from people that you know and like. But, even in Vegas, a girl can find herself lonely. As much as I loved having the time away from home, from work, from responsibility, I really missed it. I even cried in my room at one point... How nuts is that, right? I think I've come that point where lying in a bed by myself seems strange (I miss Blair) and not having a dog attack my legs (and pee on my shoes) when I come through the door is uninteresting. For all the complaining that has been done, I really have a fabulous life. I love my "home" and those who are there. I love working in my job. I love talking to my mom a couple times a week and my grandma at least once. -Grandma even calls if I'm a couple days late... I love thinking about all the wonderful things that are to come in the months ahead -- like new furniture (and a marriage proposal!!!). Sometimes those salty tears are just a way of reminding us: you're human. It's okay to miss home even when you're the popular one at the Vegas party. ![]() ![]()