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Sunday, July 27, 2008BEST DAY OF MY LIFEI honestly thought that turning 30 was going to swallow me whole. I was bummed about this new phase in my life. Until... THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE HAPPENED ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Some dreams really do come true. Thanks to our friends and family who have made this journey with us... Now comes the fun! ![]() ![]() Saturday, July 26, 2008Another Birthday? Really?Today I turn 30. That's all I have to say about that. ![]() ![]() Monday, July 21, 2008Mawidge...Mawidge Is What Bwings Us Togewer Today...My brother is married. ![]() In a beautiful ceremony held this past Saturday, my little brother Scott married his love, Melissa. It couldn't have been a more perfect day with laughter and love (and even a few tears of happiness) abound. There were about 220 people at the ceremony and reception. I think our "side" of family and friends made up about 40 of those... we're small, but mighty! I displayed dance moves that haven't come out in years - it was so much fun! ![]() I've been a bridesmaid for a number of friends and family but none of them were as calm and relaxed on the wedding day as this one. I felt like we were hanging out most of the day instead of rushing from one place to the next. -That was great. We even had a chance to do some bonding time before the ceremony started. ![]()
![]() Congratulations, Scott and Melissa! ![]() ![]() Thursday, July 10, 2008Where's That Fat Little Energizer Bunny When You Need Him Most?I'm drained. These last two months have been so hectic... and it's only going to continue. Work has been really busy; even more stressful than ever. I've been in my new job for exactly 7 months, today. I'm better off than I was in December - but I still feel like I have so much to learn. I hate leaving work late and I hate that I'm totally exhausted when I get home. (Only to start job #2 - being the chef, the housemaid, the pet-parent, and the girlfriend.) I just wish I had more energy. I feel as though I'm "on" 18 hours of the day. I hear this only gets worse as we age... And I'm about to be 30. The idea of me turning 30 is causing a mental road-block that I can't get past. Just knowing that I'm going to be in my THIRTIES is weird. My life was supposed to be somewhere else right now! My brother is getting married in 9 days and I already feel like the old hag at the wedding who everyone whispers about. Oh God, I hope I don't have long hairs on my chin. This will get better, I keep reminding myself. Right now, I just want to go lay down and take a nap until December. Wake me up when it's time for Christmas presents. ![]() ![]()