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Saturday, October 18, 2008Desperate For A Little ColorI wish Fall would hurry up and get here. Living in Southern California, I've become used to knowing that October is still hot - but there comes a time when 90-degree weather just sucks. This is about that time. I'm ready for sweaters, boots, long coats, and RAIN! Or at least a cold day every now and then. A little color on the leaves of trees would be nice, too. Speaking of color, Blair and I finally got rid of the old brown couches that used the plague the living room. With the help of my brother and sister-in-law, we brought in my red couch and two white overstuffed chairs. COLOR! This poor furniture has been locked in storage for three years (the dust and dirt settled nicely into every crack). It's nice to see them and enjoy them again. The trouble is keeping Bailey off them - they're just so comfy! A little color in our lives is always nice. ![]() ![]()