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Saturday, February 14, 2009TiredLately, I've been tired. More tired than usual. I'm stressed and there seems to be a lot going on... I just wish I could "fix" everything. That, or maybe I could have a clone of myself - I would send myself to work while I stayed in bed and caught up on much-needed rest. Maybe one of these days, I'll have time to get back to planning a wedding. That's supposed to be happening, too, right? YAAAWN. ![]() ![]() Wednesday, February 04, 2009Trader Joes Employees Have It GoooooodI know that these are hard times and having a job is among the most important things in the world to most. But, honestly, right now I'm wondering "AT WHAT COST?" There are days when I wish I could have a job with no responsibility. I'm exhausted by work - actually, the last 13 months or so that I've been there have been exhausting. I wake up each day with an ache in my stomach; my face is breaking out; I'm tense all the time; I see more gray hairs; I see more stress lines in the form of deep wrinkles; I'm losing sleep; and tonight I broke out in a rash just talking about my day. I need my job - or rather - I need my paycheck. I just don't know if losing years off my life (OR MY SANITY) is worth all this stress. There are days when working as a bagger at the local grocery store seems very appealing. Anyone with me on this one? ![]() ![]() Tuesday, February 03, 2009Spring Is In The AirSpring is here... At least, in Southern California. The blossoms on our trees outside our home are bursting with color and have brought a new song to the birds. It's very exciting! So while the rest of the country (and England!) are being pounded with snow, we're basking in 80 degree temps and sidewalks lined with flowers. There are definitely days when I love living here... ![]() ![]()