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Sunday, March 01, 2009First Photo SessionYesterday Blair and I had our engagement photo session. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Our photographer suggested heading up to the snow for a couple of hours of silly fun (and maybe a few romantic moments, too). Indeed, it was more than we thought! We spent about 4 hours in a town near Big Bear Lake; in two different locations. The first was in a woodsy clearing, near a creek, with a beautiful bridge. It was an amazing setting against a beautiful backdrop. The sky, too, seemed a bit brighter than normal. Our second spot was truly in the snow. We nearly froze our asses off and everyone agreed that our feet going numb was well-worth the opportunity to get some gorgeous pics. I only hope... Our photographer is trying new photography that he calls "fusion photography." It is a blend of still and moving shots. It's not quite videography, but a close variation. For the first time ever, Blair and I were interviewed about how we felt toward one another. Not being prepared for this made the moment raw and real... Sitting there, talking about how we felt, I was never so in love with my fiance. This, after thrown several snowballs at each other and being completely wet from head to toe! The added bonus of our perfect day was bringing Bailey along! This was her first trip up to the snow and she was HILARIOUS. Bailey absolutely loves the snow and she was a bundle of energy hopping through and crashing face-first when it got too deep. We fed her snowballs to eat; if dogs could grin, she was smiling ear to ear! I can't wait to see our pictures and will share a few at the first opportunity! (UPDATE: See the post of 5/14/09 for the pics!)