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Monday, September 21, 2009From Miss to Mrs.The transformation that goes into making one a "Mrs." is more complicated than one might think. But before I get into all that, let me take you back... It all started a long time ago with a girl named Jessica... I started this blog as a way to chronicle my life as a seemingly normal girl living in Southern California and dealing with the ups and downs of finding Mr. Right. There were a few other posts that were added just to give it the right about of spice. For the most part, it's been a fun on-line diary and has somewhat morphed into a way to keep my friends/family updated with what's going on in my life. But I never lost that original intention ... to find Mr. Right. The journey of getting engaged and planning a wedding is one that I will never forget. I loved being a fiancee and I loved getting ready for the biggest day of my life. There were definitely some stressful moments of sorting details, making decisions, staying close to budget, and negotiating with vendors. But, overall, it was a fun experience and we never lost sight of what was most important - the MARRIAGE. Our last few days of single-hood found us staying up late nights and doing last-minute details. Printing the table numbers, arranging the seating chart, tying up the programs, and buying the favors had us up to 3 AM one night; with work the next day. There was nothing sexy about that but it was worth it. I had decided to take two days off prior to the wedding and honeymoon. Those two days were mildly crazy... My best-friend flew in and helped me keep my head on straight. I had already packed up and locked the house before picking her up from the airport but as soon as that was done, I seemed to have lost my mind. I was thankful that she was there to answer simple questions for me and keep me focused on enjoying every moment of each day. And enjoy, I did! There were so many special moments in those last couple of days... sitting/crying with my grandfather in my parent's living room, opening sentimental gifts from loved ones, practicing make-up with my sister-in-law, tying ribbons on the floor for the programs, getting my hair done (AGAIN), eating good food, talking past midnight with my best-friend, getting nails done with my bridesmaids, smiling more than I can ever remember, getting text messages from friends wishing me well, paying closer attention to the sunset, holding hands with Blair, meeting new family members, playing with the cutest little girls I've ever known, hugging my friends, and just being soooo thankful that LIFE had given me the best gift of all: LOVE. My wedding day was nothing short of AWESOME! The magic that went into that day and the fun that everyone had was just what I wanted. Not to mention the fact that it was the most elegant and beautiful wedding I've ever seen. I LOVED my wedding day and couldn't imagine anything better. And now that it's over, our life begins as an old married couple. YAY!!! Along with the laborious task of writing thank-you notes, I'm now in the process of going through that glorious transformation of changing my name. UGH!!! There's so much to do and it's going to take a loooong time to get it all done. What really blows is that all this stuff has to be done in person and not on-line! That means long lines at Social Security, the DMV (nooooo!!!!) and the bank. That also means lots of paperwork. A five-page form here and a three-page form there. Oh, and learning how to sign my name with a NEW name. But, again, it's worth it! I never knew it could feel so good to go from Miss to Mrs. but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm totally in love with my husband and am so happy that we get to continue our path as partners. -Even coming home from our honeymoon, we talked about how awesome our wedding was and all I could think about was: I get to go home with him - always! I love being a wife. Thanks for reading and being part of this process. As I wander through this life, I'm often reminded of just how lucky I am... I'm truly loved. P.S. -- So now comes the question of what to do with this blog. Since my original intention was met - I've found Mr. Right - do I keep writing about parts of my life on Most Normal Girl? Or, do WE begin a new blog that documents our journey as a couple? ...Haven't quite decided... Any thoughts that you might have are welcome! ![]() ![]() Friday, September 04, 2009The Time Has ArrivedTomorrow, I get married. All that could have been done and planned is behind me; my job now is to enjoy the day, remember to breathe, and have fun. (Like skydiving!) Here we go... ![]() ![]() Tuesday, September 01, 2009Nailed It!"That's what she said!" ![]() ![]()