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Sunday, October 25, 2009Wedding DayGetting ready Moments before walking down the aisle Waiting... A once in a lifetime walk So HAPPY Proud Parents Ceremony Our vows were funny and heartfelt Photos by the beach Mr. & Mrs. Wedded bliss A fun reception! Thank you to our family and friends for making this day so special. We are so happy and so in love! And this is only the beginning! ![]() ![]() Saturday, October 24, 2009Happy Five Years, BlogIt has been five wonderful years that I've had my Blog. I love my Blog. In some ways, writing on Blog is a sense of coming home. Yet, I love the freedom that Blog gives me. Blog is like a good friend who I can share the most intimate of stories with and cuss like a sailor with. If Blog could drink, Blog would have gin and tonic. Blog does not judge; Blog only listens. Blog shares old memories and celebrates milestones. Blog welcomes new friends but keeps the old. Blog shares photos. Blog allows me to say anything. Blog is faithful. Blog is personal. And Blog is mine. Five wonderful years of blogging. I can't wait for what the next five will hold! ![]() ![]() Wednesday, October 21, 2009ChangesWell, aside from the big name change (which is a looooong process!), there are other changes on the horizon too! I will soon be looking for other employment opportunities. My time being the Director of Admission has come to an end and I'm grateful for the growth that I experienced in the position. However, my true passion is working with a much different population of students. I'm very hopeful that something will surface soon - I'm really looking for the "right fit" in my next career step. I'm totally open to doing something different, too, as long as it's not sales and doesn't involve a pole. As much as I love writing my blog, I don't think it's going to pay the bills... This career move doesn't exactly come at the best time. Blair and I were hoping to buy a house and start a family in the near future - I guess all of that gets to be placed on HOLD. Plus, there are the holidays to think about ($$$) and bills to pay ($$$) and groceries to buy ($$$) and, you know, STUFF ($$$). I feel really guilty about making the decision to resign, but some things just have to be done. No risk, no reward, right? So, if anyone is hiring, please consider me for your available position. My resume is excellent and my writing abilities speak for themselves (wait a minute...). I attended Harvard, so there's that... Oh, and I'm totally loyal to the organization that I represent. I adapt well and am a quick-learner. I'm good at communication and can give one great presentation. References are available. And, I've got a winning smile! YOU CAN'T GO WRONG! ![]() ![]()