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Thursday, December 24, 2009Happy Chanukah & Merry Christmas To All!Around our house, we celebrate both Christian and Jewish holidays. So, since I didn't want to leave anyone out, Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas! ![]() ![]() Tuesday, December 15, 2009Simple, Perfect DaysI'm so lucky to have this time to get re-focused on Life, Love, and Happiness. I'm getting the purest joy in some of the most simple of activities - playing tug-of-war with Bailey, lunch with friends, cleaning the dishes, or whatever may come up that day! I'm really looking forward to getting a Christmas tree this week and decorating it. I told you, the SIMPLE things are awesome! All that I could have wanted for my life is coming true and I'm just so happy. This year, all I want for Christmas is what I already have. ![]() ![]()