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Friday, February 26, 2010Muffin ThiefBlair gave Bailey a stale muffin from the fridge. She immediately went to work on finding a good hiding place for it. As the funny parents we are, we would "find" the muffin and leave it to her to search for another hiding spot. She's so discreet - hiding it under the dining room table, hiding it behind doors, hiding it in the corner of the living room, etc. Blair caught this picture of her as she scoped out the bathroom. ![]() ![]() Monday, February 22, 2010AccomplishedOver the weekend, my greatest accomplishment was finishing the 500-piece black and white puzzle that I was working on. (Oh, and dispensing sage advice to a friend upset over a dumb guy.) Yeah, that's how exciting my life has become. But today, Blair took the day off and we got a lot done. Granted, they were all errands (bank, hardware store, applying for a job, baby furniture shopping, oil change in the car, visit to a big chain store, visit to another big chain store, lunch, getting the dog's nails trimmed, and taking the dog to the park). Having something to do in my day (besides dancing around the house, singing to the baby) gives me great satisfaction and finding an excuse just to put make-up on is thrilling... I never thought I would say something so ridiculous. I remember when putting on make-up (and clothes!) was a chore. Am I pathetic, or what? Bailey is keeping me company while trying to think up reasons to leave the house again this week - beyond just checking the mail. Can you say: CUTENESS! ![]() ![]() Monday, February 15, 2010ShucksI'm sad. There were two jobs that were going to be really great - especially with the baby coming - and now they're gone. Feels like over the past six months, all the jobs that I've been >this close< to getting have fallen through the cracks. For some reason or another, finding another job has NOT been easy and I even question whether or not quitting was the right decision. Blah, blah, blah the job market sucks. And blah, blah, blah, that old boss was the bitch of the century. Blah, blah this and that. How are we ever going to afford a real house? And how are we going to provide for this precious cargo that's swimming in my belly? Crying doesn't seem to do any good. Wallowing in self-pity isn't working, either. Time to start seriously thinking outside the box, I guess... ![]() ![]() Monday, February 08, 2010My Resume Is Ready For Your ReviewSince quitting my job last November, I've been thinking about my next career move. As much as I would love to be a stay-at-home mom (the best and hardest job in the world!) I don't think we're going to be able to do that. It turns out that living in California is expensive and owning a nice home costs lots of moolah! So, I've been looking at different websites and have been thinking about what I'm good at. I even took a color profile test to tell me what jobs might be best suited for me. (Ironically, the test "told me" of jobs that I've already been doing or am interested in.) For the better part of the last decade, I've been in the business of education as a college administrator. But now, I'm not so sure that's what I want to keep doing. I love working with high school aged students and I love instilling a college-going culture in their schools. I would love to be a HS college counselor but don't have any experience of actually working in a HS. And now, with the baby on the way (due in July), I don't know who would hire me considering a lot of training and preparation would happen over summer. I would love to write for a living but don't feel as though I have anything to say. I talk about my life, but honestly, it's not all that interesting. Remember those days when I used to be funny? Oh, those were good times... So, if anyone has any ideas of what to pursue (or if you're hiring) please let me know! ![]() ![]() Friday, February 05, 2010Belly BusterSince we found out that we were pregnant, Blair and I have been over the moon HAPPY! We are sooo very excited to be taking this next step in our journey together and can't wait to welcome the little one. We're even talking and singing to the tummy! Even though I'm not far enough along to "feel" the baby, we are convinced that our baby will appreciate our new version of Michael Buble's song: "We just haven't met you yet!" Although pending parenthood is exciting to think about and plan for, there are bumps in the road - pun intended. You see, I'm lucky to have a relatively good pregnancy so far... BUT... there are things. I pee all the time. I can't sleep comfortably. The inside of my legs hurt (I think it's because my pelvis is widening). My lower back often hurts (I hear this will get worse). The insides of my tummy hurt like the walls are stretching (which, they probably are). If I sit too long, my butt hurts. My hair texture is weird. My face has broken out and now resembles the surface of the moon. My boobs hurt - and whoa Nelly are they getting bigger! And the more information I read or get about pregnancy, the more and more I wonder "WHAT THE HELL WERE WE THINKING?" Don't get me started on labor/delivery. I know I am supposed to be enjoying these 40 weeks and that this is a precious time in a young woman's life. Yes, all very true. I am so thankful that God has blessed us with this gift of life; this is truly a miracle. Just try explaining that to me when I've not had a good night's rest, can't fit into any of my clothes, have peed for the tenth time during the day and look like someone not-of-this-planet. Go on, I DARE YOU. ![]() ![]()