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Monday, February 15, 2010ShucksI'm sad. There were two jobs that were going to be really great - especially with the baby coming - and now they're gone. Feels like over the past six months, all the jobs that I've been >this close< to getting have fallen through the cracks. For some reason or another, finding another job has NOT been easy and I even question whether or not quitting was the right decision. Blah, blah, blah the job market sucks. And blah, blah, blah, that old boss was the bitch of the century. Blah, blah this and that. How are we ever going to afford a real house? And how are we going to provide for this precious cargo that's swimming in my belly? Crying doesn't seem to do any good. Wallowing in self-pity isn't working, either. Time to start seriously thinking outside the box, I guess... ![]() ![]()