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Tuesday, April 27, 2010A Pregnancy PoemI'm feeling as big as a bear, With just no balance to spare. This morning I slipped on a stair, And fell on my derriere. Today officially marks the beginning of our third trimester. HOORAY! Consequently, it also marks the day that I'm a klutz - I fell on the stairs this morning. Everything is fine (well, my butt hurts a little) and I have to remember that my center of gravity is shifting. It's so hard to remember just how BIG I am! Monday, April 19, 2010Preggo PicsMy mom took some photos of me this past weekend... We are nearly 26 weeks preggo! Thursday, April 15, 2010Frequent PoseThe baby moves a lot. Often when s/he kicks or punches or tumbles around, I'll put my hand on my tummy... almost as if I could soothe the baby into slumber. I took this photo using my cell phone (which is why my left hand looks like my right). We're 25 weeks now and getting BIGGER... Wednesday, April 14, 2010Daily Dose Of Cuteness