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Friday, March 04, 2005Not Even With The Lure Of A Shaved PussThe great thing about having gay-guy friends is that you can talk with them and joke around with them like no other friend. Not even the girls. What's even better is that we can joke around about things that are a little more foul and they'll just laugh. For example: Let's say that I was supposed to meet up with a certain guy earlier this week. And let's say that I was really looking forward to meeting up with this guy because it's been a while since I've seen him and the sexual tension between us is palpable. Let's say, too, that the guy had to cancel at the last minute. Let's then say that I got a little frustrated because I had put soooo much "behind the scenes" work into LOOKING GOOD. Let's -alas- say that I then go and tell my gay friend. Who laughs. So, since we're talking hypotheticals here - that would leave one to believe (remember hypothetically speaking) that all that effort put forth into LOOKING GOOD was wasted. At least the underwear got to see how pretty I was. Er, um, hypothetically speaking, of course.