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Monday, March 20, 2006Miss B Goes To WashingtonToday I addressed the Federal Commission on Higher Education, on behalf of the Higher Education Student Association of Harvard University's Graduate School of Education. I have to say, it went fantastically well. I had support of others in my cohort and was pleased with the public response to my speech. I managed to deliver the speech without incident (YAY!) and was told that I seemed poised and confident before the panel. The Commission will be finalizing a report that should be available in August. I expect there will be four major themes of this report (based on what leaders were saying today): accessibility, affordability, accountability and quality. Stay tuned! (You can also read more about the Commission, why it was created, what others have said, and all sorts of stuff at this website: http://www.ed.gov/about/bdscomm/list/hiedfuture/meetings.html) Afterward, a reporter for the Harvard Crimson (the student newspaper) interviewed me in the lobby of the hotel. The article should be in tomorrow's paper. My name in the Harvard paper... kinda scary... I hope I didn't have anything in my teeth... I want to thank everyone for your tremendous support and encouragement. Your good vibes were a great help in this process and I appreciate all your well-wishes. If anyone would like a copy of the speech, please let me know (via e-mail); I am happy to forward it along. At least I can say I've done something tangible since being at Harvard; beyond just increase my loan debt! Oh, and if anyone would like to be my agent for my public speaking tour, just let me know.