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Sunday, March 05, 2006What Is With Me?I don't know why, but sometimes I just get so emotional. Today I watched one of my all time favorite movies, When Harry Met Sally. I love it. I could quote any scene, almost verbatum (I'm actually sort of proud of this - how pathetic is that?). My favorite line is toward the end of the movie, when Harry rushes into the New Year's Eve party to find Sally and to tell her that he loves her. It gets me everytime... even though I know it's coming... even though I know what he's going to say... I still get surprised over how much I cry. It's just so sweet, so honest, so vulnerable. And he knows her so well! Maybe every woman wants her guy to come after her - to tell her that he loves her even when she's looking at him like he's crazy. The whole romantic notion that someone will GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO FIND YOU - that Prince Charming while have his whole court searching for the girl who matches the glass slipper. Maybe every woman just wants to believe that she's worth being sought after. I don't know what it is, but it touches my heart and makes me wish I was in the movie. I know it's not real but sometimes it is just nice to daydream. ![]() ![]()