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Tuesday, February 14, 2006Group Hug![]() HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! This has never been a favorite holiday of mine. Over the years they have been uneventful, forgettable, or resentful - it varied from year to year. Even when I did have a valentine it has never been a big holiday... But today, Blair sent me a package. It came in a poster tube. I had no idea what to think - what could it be?? A poster?? A bunch of small stuffed inside to throw me off-track?? WHAT?? Carefully, I examined the package. I looked at his handwriting... at the tape (which I recognized as being baseball tape, or something to that effect)... at where he mailed it from. I didn't want to spoil the moment and the mystery by diving into it - I wanted to cherish the moment and embrace my wonder. When I finally opened it up, I read the card - laughed out loud - and was delighted to find a bundle of my favorite flowers carefully wrapped inside. He got me flowers. Beautiful flowers. Beautiful favorite flowers all for me - for VALENTINE'S DAY. ![]() So, to everyone with or without a special significant other: Happy Valentine's Day! "All we need is love, love. Love is all we need!" ![]()