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Wednesday, January 18, 2006"I'm On Vacation"I'm back on the west coast for the semester break and am LOVING IT. I forgot how 'warm' it could be in L.A. (meaning, above 50 degrees during the day). So far, I've been very productive. You know, lots of sleeping in, lots of trash t.v. watching (Springer, Judge Judy, Days of our Lives, ahhh yes - the crappity crap crap crap)... I'll get a few more things done this week - head to the post office to buy at least 40 of the 2 cent stamps, get my hair cut (since it's been about 6 months), go see the dentist, say 'hello' to a few friends and relatives, eat tons of crap, and as much sitting around on my ass as possible. Yes, vacation is a wonderful thing. I think I'm going to go try to get my boyfriend naked. Cause I can do that, now that I'm home... ![]() ![]()