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Saturday, December 24, 2005Home Comes To Me For The HolidaysIN AN EMAIL TO MY FRIEND THIS MORNING, I SAID: At 10:45am this morning, there was a knock on my door. I was in the middle of doing laundry and cleaning my apartment. I looked like ass. I peered through the peep hole only to see an LA Dodgers logo staring back at me. I opened the door and saw him standing there. Before he even had a chance to look at me, I blurted out "OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I don't think I've ever tackle-hugged someone so fast and so hard; it was GREAT. Yep, Blair came to Boston to surprise me. I was sooooo happy - you have no idea! I was on the phone with him last night while he was driving to Las Vegas to hang out with his friends. I asked him about it - if it was just a "cover." No - he actually drove to Las Vegas to fly out here (had a connection in D.C. along the way) just because it was cheaper. I'm still in shock. He drove all that way (6 hours) to catch a red-eye flight only to be here for 3 days. And he still will have to drive home from Las Vegas!!! What a man, what a man. I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet. This is going to be a very memorable Holiday. My parents get into town around 7pm tonight. I can't wait! Merry Christmas IN AN EMAIL TO ME, FROM SAID FRIEND: That is such wonderful news! Please tell Blair that even I was reduced to tears when I learned of his surprise visit--wow, what a man! With that said, I hope that this is evidence that anyone who drives six hours to Vegas to catch a red eye is clearly focused on love. Merry Xmas