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Thursday, December 08, 2005Reach Out And Touch Me - No, Wait, That Didn't Come Out RightI'm going to leave this post up for a few days because I want people to read it. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send me an e-mail or a text message with your phone numbers (if it's a text message, don't forget to tell me who you are). As you might have read, I dropped my phone last Sunday and it died. The awful part is that most of the phone numbers that were saved on it were not saved on the SIM card - but rather, to the phone. So... this leaves me numberless. (Or with a bunch of old phone numbers of people that I don't really talk to anymore. Eh em, people I used to date...) It would be great to have you all call me so that I wouldn't have to go through individually and add everyone - but this is a SUPER BUSY time of year (lots of LONG papers due next week). I would love to talk to everyone, but I'm running short on time. After next week, I would love to chat it up! So, please, send me your cell phone numbers, home phone numbers, and any other numbers that you think are important or that I should have - your pimp's number, maybe? I'll try to call you soon - but no promises. Big thanks and big hugs!