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Sunday, January 29, 2006"I'm Back, Baby!"I'm back in Bean Town. TA DA (with jazz-hands and everything)!!! My vacation home went well but was over much too quickly. It's still sort of hard to believe that I'm back here -- already. So I didn't sleep the entire vacation (as much as I may have wanted to). And there were some days that I was actually productive - who woulda thunk? I got a chance to catch up with good friends and family. Blair and I even got a chance to drive up to San Jose to see Carrie (nine months pregnant with daughter #2) ![]()
I also had the chance to visit my friends from my old job. Walking around campus felt as though I never left - it felt like home all over again. I missed my friends and I missed all the silly moments we had (mixed in the stress and frustration that were part of the territory). By the end of the day, we had drank too much and laughed too hard... if there is such a thing.
Blair and I went to a Clippers basketball game. Ironically, they have a better record this season than the L.A. Lakers. We had a good time, but especially enjoyed taking pictures of the people behind us... check out this one where the guy seems to be falling asleep - it's my most favorite! ![]() ![]() Overall, I could sum up my trip home as a 4.5 out of 5 stars. It was that good. More than ever before, I realized that I miss home more than I thought I did. I also did a lot of reflection and re-discovered that the people who are close to my heart are really that much closer. I guess it took going away to remember how much I love and need them. By the way, if any of you are an avid Friends enthusiast, like me, than you know exactly which episode Joey said "I'm Back, Baby!" - which is the title of this post. ...That was a totally random comment, I know. Anyway, I'm back and am about to start the second half of my year. Feel free to drop me a line before the frenzy of school begins again!