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Thursday, November 02, 2006Long Lost FriendEvery once in a while, we come across people who we may have crossed paths with before. (This tends to happen to me probably more than most.) Sometimes, it doesn't mean much - we exchange a few tid-bits of life, give the updates, promise to keep in touch, blah, blah, blah... and won't see them again for another five years. But sometimes, we are lucky enough to call that person a "friend" once again. The only thing I can compare it to is when you find $20 in your coat pocket - you're excited to have re-found that thing that should have been with you all along. (...Not to say that my friend is worth $20... $19.50 - MAYBE.) It's these sort of friends that you just want to hug and say - thanks for being my friend. Thanks for calling, thanks for making me smile, thanks for the great conversation, thanks for... well - just being you. Let's not forget Minnesota. (Who isn't grateful for Minnesota?) I'm so happy you're in my life again. ![]() ![]()