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Saturday, August 09, 2008I'm Engaged! And Now The Planning Begins...I figure that if I'm no longer the "20-something and single girl," I may as well change the look of the blog. What do you think? Do you like the blue color theme? Since the engagement, I've been really into the wedding plans. I'm THRILLED to be getting married to Blair and equally as excited to throw a wedding for family and friends. Since I was little, I've been dreaming of my wedding day (I guess most girls do!). But, now that I'm doing it, it's overwhelming! There is so much to think about, to plan, to decide, to budget... Ugh, the budget. My problem with dreaming about my wedding for 25 years is that I was dreaming BIG (I blame my parents for telling me to do so!). Now that reality is setting in, the BIG DREAMS for our wedding are turning more and more into a backyard BBQ wedding, at best. I'm learning to "let it go" and am reminding myself to focus on what is important. The marriage is important. The wedding day will be beautiful despite the venue, the low-budget flowers, the construction-paper name cards, and the Vena Wong dress... I'm preparing myself for the worst; knowing that it can only be better. Blair and I have also agreed that we are only going to talk about wedding stuff on Tuesdays and Saturdays. As much as possible, we want to maintain our normal life - talking about normal things and not becoming wrapped up in THE WEDDING. I'm trying to stick to this rule; Blair is really good about reminding me when it is NOT Tuesday or Saturday. (Insert guilty grin here.) Today we are meeting with a potential wedding coordinator. She was referred to us by a friend who recently got married and I'm already prepared to sign the contract. Blair is a little more suspicious and needs to be "sold" on this whole idea. I keep trying to tell him that I don't want to stress on the BIG DAY nor do I want my family or friends to be worrying about any of the details. I want us to show up and enjoy the day. Keep your fingers crossed that this first meeting goes well... Anyway, wish us luck as this process gets underway. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, I'm all ears! ![]() ![]()