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Wednesday, November 03, 2004Canada Seems NiceThis country is headed for TROUBLE. Again. It's hard to know what to feel - pissed off, disillusioned, anxious, scared, dumbfounded... I woke up with a sinking feeling in my heart and angry words in my head. As a woman, I can't help but feel betrayed. As I was watching the news last night, I heard that middle-America voted for the candidate who they thought would represent "morality." Are you telling me that middle-America actually believes that Bush (aka - the corporate puppet) represents a M-O-R-A-L government? You've got to be kidding... I really didn't want to post anything too political, but I'm just so scared about the next four years. Those things that matter to me (education, employment, abortion rights, gay-marriage rights, the economy, immigration, foreign policy, freedom of speech, freedom to choose religious beliefs, AND MORE) are being controlled by a right-wing political machine who refuses to listen. I'm left feeling more vulnerable and betrayed than ever. So much for progress.