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Wednesday, November 17, 2004A Letter To Other Normal PeopleDear Friends; Because we all know how passionate I am towards media, freedom of speech, and this ugly right-wing government, here is an interesting topic. I was listening to a local radio show (106.7 - KROQ) this morning and they brought up an interesting topic of censorship and the FCC. If you’re not familiar – here are some highlights: People became outraged over the opening of Monday night’s football game on ABC when a star of the recent ABC hit, Desperate Housewives, dropped her towel and the audience saw her BACK. That’s right – didn’t see anything except a grown woman’s BACK. Furthermore, FOXs flop of a t.v. show, Married by America, had such an outcry against the premise of the show that it was promptly pulled off the air. (Nevermind that America didn’t take too well to the show and ~by their own accord~ didn’t watch the show.) By the way, this supposed outcry involved an influx of mail – 159 letters, to be exact. Oh, yes, those 159 letters ACTUALLY only boiled down to 3. 2 of those 3 were original letters and the rest were all copies a letter. What a joke! Last Thursday, Saving Private Ryan was pulled from 66 networks across the country, because there was concern that it may be too much for the audience to handle. Has America really become this prudish monster? Since when are people NOT empowered to turn OFF the television, or God forbid, CHANGE THE FLIPPING CHANNEL? Anyway, this morning’s KROQ show brought a lot of these issues to light. Their guest, Jeff Jarvis, was articulate and a no-bullshit kind of guy. His blog site is http://www.buzzmachine.com/. Here’s a great article, from today. ~Jessica By Jeff Jarvis: Americans like sex: This is getting ridiculous. No, it got ridiculous months ago. Now it's getting stupid. The latest in the prudes' war in America: A supposed flood of complaints to ABC for a joke that showed absolutely nothing naughty before a football game: a star of Desperate Housewives drops her towel and hugs a football player. Flood? I wouldn't believe it. Look at my reporting on the supposed flood that came in complaining about Married by America: a flood of three. But still, the Today show this morning talks about the flood and tsk-tsks when they should be saying: What the F? What's so wrong with that? As Joe Territo says: "Can't we have a little sex with our violence?" I'm going to start a site that allows all us sane, normal, red-blooded Americans send thank-you notes to the networks -- and the FCC -- every time there's a hint of sex or colorful language on broadcast. Thank you, ABC, for showing a little naked back. We like pretty women. We like sex. We're male. We're American. Thank you, Pitt player, for getting so excited you couldn't help yourself and you said the F word. It's nice to see someone excited about something these days. Some for you, Bono. Thank you, Steven Spielberg, for making soldiers human and letting them speak like real Americans. We need more honesty. And as for your prudes who are making it your lifes' work complaining and getting stupid ass media to talk about it: Get a life. If anybody can find a Torrent of the ABC promo, please put a link in the comments. It couldn't be tamer. IT'S A JOKE, FOLKS! We're at risk of outlawing a sense of humor in this country just to satisfy a tiny band of prudes, prigs, and religious nutjobs. Tom Biro found the end of it here. Watch and judge for yourself. ![]() ![]()