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Most Normal Girl

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Baby Girl

This weekend I got to fly up and see 'my baby girl' (aka - Katelyn!). She has just passed the nine-month mark and she is more beautiful than ever.

Katelyn's mom and I were roommates, sorority sisters, and close friends in college. Nowadays, I miss her more than ever. She is one of my closest and dearest friends ~ a woman with a good heart, a great sense of humor, and the best hugs a friend could ever ask for! And now she's a mother to this beautiful little girl.

The weekend was over much too quickly. It always is. It's amazing that three adult people can sit around and be entertained by a nine-month old... even the littlest of things (a smile, a grunt, a successful hand-to-the-mouth-with-a-fist-full-of-Cheerio's event) is enough. She is growing up so fast; the infant is almost a toddler, from baths in the sink to the bath in the tub, from baby clothes to little person outfits... Sigh...

I love you Katelyn. I love you for all that you are and all that you're going to become. You are surrounded by love everywhere - even when the world seems cruel and unfair. You are a beautiful angel and you have made our lives that much better by just being here.

Muah ~ love, Aunt Jessie

Posted by Jessie_b :: 3:21 PM :: 0 comments

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