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Friday, May 13, 2005Magic MomentsThere are moments in life that can only be described as... MAGIC. It's the little things that do it for me. ~Watching Katelyn learn something new. ~Being called out of the blue, just because you're a good friend. ~Watching my parents laugh together like they were newlyweds. ~Playing with the dog in the living room and being allowed to be silly. ~Being enveloped by the arms of someone you love. ~Getting flowers at work and opening the card for the first time. ~Talking with an old friend whom you've known since sixth grade. ~Feeling that *thing* when you watch someone fall asleep. ~Watching my boyfriend hold his cat and all I can think to say is, "You're going to be a good dad someday." ~Meeting my new group of friends at Harvard over e-mail. ~Sharing the joy in another's good news. So much so, that I'm allowed to jump up and down and scream with delight for her. ~Getting an instant message at work from Zak. ~The first time someone says, I love you. It's things like these that make my days worthwhile, unpredictable and exciting. You just never know when that moment will happen or how it will be...