Most Normal Girl |
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005I Deserved ThatIt has come to my attention that I can be a little forthcoming of what others say/do (things which may be embarrassing or just plain inappropriate for the Internet). Well, it's my blog and dammit I'll post what I want to. Plus, being friends with me automatically sets you up for being used as "material" in these posts. Let it not go unnoticed, however, that I have a sense of humor about myself. I am FAR from perfect - ask anyone. Did you get a chance to go back and read my WARNING LABEL from a while ago? If not, I encourage you to do so... So, to even the score, here are a few gems of my own: "Does Rhode Island have cars?" "What does 'Earthquake Re-trofit' mean?" When playing a game of class hangman in 7th grade, I blurted out the letter Z for the win. Our team didn't win. "I'm going commando." "Would you rather drink an 8 ounce glass of phlegm or an 8 ounce glass of garbage juice? I mean, if you HAD to." ...And that's just the beginning...