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Monday, April 25, 2005You Just Never KnowToday I had a program in downtown San Francisco. It's always surprising to me, the people of a big city. Let me give you a rundown of a few of the people that I came into contact with today... While walking to lunch on the street, a man in his beat up old Pinto kept honking his horn at me. I get kind of freaked out when people do that - horns scare me. Anyway, when I finally looked over at him he shouted "HEY BEAUTIFUL" as if I was supposed to do anything about it. Um, are you kidding me? Nonetheless, it was nice compliment and I suppose there were far worse things he could have said to me. A woman came up to me, while I was working, and started talking about how she was an unemployed high school science teacher, but collecting wellfare because she couldn't find a job. After my initial surprise, I could understand why. She was obviously a very smart woman, but she had the social graces of a toad -- she just didn't GET IT. Whatever IT IS that most of us have innately, she didn't posses. I felt sorry for her - she was single mom with a Master's Degree and a decent head on her shoulders collecting wellfare due to lack of employment in education. She was nice enough and just so damn eager to chat that Ijust let her talk... Within 20 minutes of the woman coming up to me, a guy came up ranting and raving about a bunch of crap of his own. I sort of "tuned him out" relatively soon... I had heard enough... Leaving the program, a man passed me on the street as I was walking to my car. As he passed, he did that stare that brings the person's head all the way around - just watching me. I tried to ignore him; that is until he smacked right into a pole and got this silly grin on his face. I kind of did that half smile half ouch-that-looked-like-it-hurt face. He laughed it off and said, "You're just too beautiful." That was twice in one day. Damn. Made me feel really good (especially since I'm so self-conscious about this new hair thing I've got going.) After getting home, my feet were very appreciative to just sit back and relax for a bit. The wine helped, too. But just now, I heard from the Birthday Boy himself and that was the very best part of my day. Especially when he tells me about his time with "the boys" at the Dodger game. It's times like that when I want to just reach through the phone and plant a big wet kiss on him. (And if you are a careful observer, you will note that a small section of this paragraph has changed so that I'm no longer talking about BUBBLE GUM FARTS. But of course I had to add it in here at the end.) You just never know what type of people you're going to meet, what they'll say, what they will add to your life, how you will remember them, and who will affect you the most. I'm just sayin'...