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Monday, October 17, 2005Count Backwards From 234I know I must be crazy, but I really miss working full-time. Being a student is definitely more stressful, with longer hours and less money. At least when I was working full-time, I could come "home" at the end of the day and be DONE with it. No more stress ~ I could leave the day behind. Now, though, when I get home my night is just beginning. My day, in essence, NEVER ENDS. There is always work to do - more and more work. More and more to read, more papers to write, more research to be done, more study groups to attend... I'm exhausted. I'm only a month (plus a few days) into my program. The work is going to get progressively harder as the semester continues. GRADUATION is 234 days away... I'm already counting the days. I hope I can make it.