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Tuesday, October 11, 2005A Taste of WeatherFor those that don't know, it's been raining in New England... and it's going to continue throughout the week. To make it worse, it's kinda cold - like highs in the mid-50s to low 60s. And there's wind - gusts of up to 40 mph. I never really minded rain at home, but taking public transit in "weather" sucks. The people block up the entrances/exits of commuter T stations - trying to avoid the inevitable weather just in front of them. Vendors, too, have moved all their produce, flowers, artwork, and more, just inside said doorways. Puddles are in the streets as wide and as deep as mini ponds. One has to be careful walking in the streets - one wrong step and you'll find yourself on your ass. People are slipping and sliding all over the place. Flooding has done some damage to a few states. If this is a *glimpse* of what is to come when winter strikes, I'm going to be a very bitter woman.