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Most Normal Girl

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Class Was Cancelled

So after my weekend romp in L.A., I made the journey back to New England. Not without delay, however. My flight was initially delayed over 2 hours (which ended up being 3 hours when all was said and done) so by the time I got back to my apartment, it was late and I was tired. (I was later reminded, however, that I should NOT be tired since I was just "sitting around" all day. YEAH...? WELL... shut up.)

Flights were delayed (and continue to be delayed this morning) due to the Colorado snow storms and the wet weather along the East Coast. I guess I should be glad that I actually got back. Others were not so lucky. Some folks had delays of up to 4 hours; some sleeping in terminals, even. Including one of my professors. She got stuck in a terminal someplace where flights were cancelled. THAT means, yes, class this morning has been cancelled. I only wish I had checked my e-mail last night to find out this news. Instead, I woke up at 6:30am, got ready, ate breakfast, and was just about to head out the door when I checked e-mail. You do realize, I could have been sleeping right now, right?

Oh well. I guess this just gives me more time to squeeze in extra reading. Because there is NEVER enough time for more reading.
Posted by Jessie_b :: 5:22 AM ::