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Most Normal Girl

Monday, September 26, 2005

Home Again

So... last Thursday, after classes, I decided that I really didn't want to spend the weekend here alone. Instead, I wanted to go home - to see Blair and hopefully to see my parents too! When I got to my apartment, around noon, I started searching airline flights.

And then I did it. I got a flight home for first thing Friday morning. Not having classes on Fridays or Mondays REALLY HELPS in times like these.

Blair picked me up Friday - less than 24 hours after I started researching flights. I spent the weekend just as I had wanted - with family and friends who I love and adore. It was HOME.

The best part of the weekend was the intangible moments that just make your heart fly. There were moments like that at every turn; and not just with Blair. It was with Andrew, Mike and Blair at the comedy club... It was with Robby and Melissa at Baker's Square... It was with Mom and Dad sitting around the dinner table... It was at the beach under a blanket of stars with the man I am completely in love with.

It's all of these things that I take with me nearly 3,000 miles away. They remain in my heart and bring to mind all the reasons why it was hard to leave, but also all the reasons why it is so important for me to be here. Once again, I'm reminded of just how lucky I am and what a good life it is. ...Even with all this homework that I still have to do...
Posted by Jessie_b :: 5:25 PM ::